Monday, April 4, 2011


    Maxime de Nimes Cowboys Monopoly

    Members: Teresa Teng Tsai Wang Junxian Lung Qi Zhen Jing Fan 敏肖兰兰罗

    one process

    market analysis - shopping survey - location - decoration - Pre-Opening - opened.


    1, consider the clothing stores for the new store, in order to reduce the rent, reducing costs, less space to store, so decided to lease about 10 square feet of shops can be.

    2, there are two prosperous areas, but the operating brand to be a street in this brand. Only to find shops in this street have business climate.

    3, shall be running a comprehensive shop is suitable for local conditions, a brand of high risk due to monopoly. To be covered second and third line brands, accessories and so on.

    as shop opening

    first step: choose the right location and the store

    choose the business location to grasp the following key:

    traffic larger lots are ① the commercial center of town (which we usually call starting point and destination); ③ the hospital door (to a large hospital with inpatient better); ④ the school gate; ⑤ strong popular tourist attractions; ⑥ front of a large wholesale market.

    use of She said that in addition to time may be particularly anxious to find a nearby flower shop flowers, were rushed to the stadium on the road most of the time to buy, because there is more than flower, color range, great choice; in a university teaching The Miss Jiang to buy clothes every time, but also always like to Dongpo Road, Wulin Road and other places to buy clothing-intensive, she believes the model has more stores in addition to outside, you can shop around, but also starting to also compare easy. So do not worry about competition within the industry, once the industry that more and more shops, will have a cluster effect, easy to expand its influence, the combination of popularity, the formation of

    note that for line selection system should be a place of business and business is closely related to the content and potential customers, businesses have different characteristics and consumer objects, is the prime location is not the only option, and some shops open business is not as open in the downtown area in a relatively remote some of the specific regions, such as selling Youyanjiangcu shop, open business in a residential area certainly better than the opening in the downtown area; Again stationery shop, opened in prime locations also apparently opened in the Cultural District as an ideal. It must be based on different business sectors and projects to determine the best of location, to choose the right store, not the more popular places as possible, the key is to line the system should result.

    Step two: for further investigation

    shop locations in the initially selected after a comprehensive study should be further on the circumstances related to the investigation to do some analysis in order to decide whether the last point here. Mainly on the following aspects:

    store audio and video products to their own circumstances to open shop in the hands of Ronaldinho recent disc from a store other people down, this area of ​​15 square meters of shops located in the sub-downtown area, the daily flow of people is also very substantial, but the rent is very cheap, as long as 800 yuan per month, Ronaldinho picked up that cheap, secretly straight music. Unexpectedly, spent ten thousand dollars renovation was finished, a grand opening less than a month, a paper Originally, the home store through the internal relation of the demolished sooner or later, they come to a withdraw its role, winners will leave the territory of a vote, left the child to Ronaldinho to a hoop set. Therefore, before the lease Dianmian, be sure to store the circumstances of a careful investigation to understand.

    background landlord eager to find some people store, filled with the search for, and sometimes he really can be found several positive signs reading . In fact, this is very sloppy, very easy to bring a series of side-effects. If you really fancy stores, the best start to find out what the real side of the landlord (ie Chanquan owner), the basic understanding of their background, find reliable Houzai contact. Usually best to talk directly with the real landlord, if the landlord has the right to contract, said lease, unwilling to intervene, you then negotiate with the owner now too late. In addition, once the talk about success, but also pay attention to the former agreement and must be formally requested to change the rental property where the owner's name.

    competition is mainly with the operating results of the case, the price level. Visit the same store operating results of similar sites, you can rent a preliminary calculation of profits in this situation may produce stores; and examine their levels of commodity prices, in order to determine their own future whereby the price of goods. These are very necessary.

    passenger status Passenger flow mainly on the status of these elements: ① units and homes around, including the number of residential buildings, departments and units, companies, schools and even other stores (most of these stores may be your regulars); ② the structural characteristics of past populations , including their age, gender, occupation and other structural characteristics and consumption habits; ③ seasonal passenger flow conditions. Such as the store near the school summer vacation to consider, bodies and companies to concentrate lots of stores to be master of their working hours, the store near the station should be seasonal visitors to find out the rules you set the business hours which are an important basis for .

    third step: winning fancy stores as soon as possible

    Once you find the ideal store, we must act decisively, fast shot, won the fancy of the store as soon as possible, otherwise the Big Sleep, is likely to be a moment of doubt and because of your pre-empted by others, resulting in missed opportunities. How to win the store? Negotiations is of utmost importance.

    on a good rent prices for the shop, the rent is often the largest piece of fixed costs, Kanjia with the landlord before, you should first have a spectrum of heart, the first since set a maximum acceptable price , the price must be: ① Do you think you are sure affordable. Especially in the need to pay a rental situation a few years to see if they have no ability to pay; ② about the budget, estimated to be money to be made; ③ inquire further about the vicinity of a similar facade, is almost the same price , that is more reasonable. Then based on the price of its own high rent, the landlord gives the rental price comparison, weigh Kanjia after negotiations are more likely to be successful.

    payment of rent paid on a good number of ways, generally the most common are on a monthly basis, regular payment and one-time payment of three. If the landlord in addition to the fixed monthly rent, but also depending on your operating conditions of a certain percentage of profit sharing, the method can be used on a monthly basis so that timely settlement, so as not to delay a long time increases the difficulty of calculation, the two sides are satisfied; there facade room set a year or two after the rent and later to renew it, often according to certain ratio increased year by year, in which case the best way to pay the rent every six months or a year focused on pay pay once, so once you have a new store or the intention to change jobs, they will not guarantee a loss; there is a long-term fixed rental store, and a rent that is a decade or two, if you have sufficient funds And watch your selected store, you can be a decade or two once the rent paid in full, so someone else can remove the high facade poached halfway danger, but also from the impact of rising rent and save a lot of rent because in the long run, the facade of the rent is the upward trend overall.

    additional conditions on a good negotiation with the landlord, in addition to about the rent, but also pay attention to the additional conditions agreed upon, which allows you to save a lot of expenses. First, you should store in the rental prior to the existing situation, including the renovation status, equipment status and so to understand clearly, and then negotiated to require the landlord in the rental housing before the facade renovation of the basic, such as the removal of the original can not have been abandoned use of equipment and renovation of the store roof, floor, walls make basic repairs, purchase or repair water facilities, or require the landlord own expense, in the rent to be deducted. In short, we should strive for cost savings. Also, you can negotiate without payment of required deposit. Some window dressing rooms in prime locations tend to be more substantial deposit, although this money will eventually be returned to you, but if you have to stay in business is the same money tied up in there, short of capital and entrepreneurs for , this is not a small You can also request an extension to pay the rent through negotiation. Initial rents down as much as possible until the business back on track after a period of time, then the standard payment, and make up the difference between pre-money. If you words sincere, fair and reasonable analysis of the landlord to listen to, and can take the initiative to limit the extension period, and some reasonable landlord will agree, that early start can also reduce the number of economic burden.

    Third, cost estimates

    1, budget (investment amounts to about 2,000 surveys to do market analysis [mainly in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen and seized the opportunity to purchase all popular market area] in advance for 6 months prepaid rent, 3,000 yuan / month Total 18,000 a total of 2 million yuan)

    (1), fitting: A, lamps, body models X3, X2 1000 元 bust model

    B, store decorations 1,800 yuan (about 10 square feet or so)

    (2), 1.2 million products, the first transfer cargo (3 grades, mainly in the high 65%, 30% additional mid-range, special items, clothing accessories, 5%) (high purchase price is between 40-50 per grade in grade between the purchase price of 20-40 yuan special, clothing accessories purchase price is between 5-15 million)

    Fourth, analysis of operating results:

    a) After a year of sales, the basic recovery of investment costs in order to sell 10,000 per month calculated monthly (annual turnover 12 million, excluding product costs (the discount rate because of the different products, not detailed here ) about 6 million, gross profit of 6 million, annual costs:

    i. Shop Rent: 3,000 / month * 12 = 36,000 yuan / year

    ii. Staff salaries: 1 (a shopping guide) 1000 RMB / month * December * 1 = 12,000 yuan, commission: 3600 yuan / year 3% commission, wages Total: 15,600 yuan

    iii. industrial and commercial tax: 1800 yuan / year

    iv. utilities,vibram 5 fingers, telephone: 500 yuan / month * 12 months = 6,000 yuan / year

    v. ad spending: 2000 yuan / year

    summarized above, the annual cost of 2.54 million net profit for the 6-2.54 = 34,600 yuan

    b) the second year of income: Monthly net income: 3.46 million / 12 months = 02,880 yuan

    the success or failure lies in store management and sales,mac makeup, these two aspects of managing , then profits are not far off.

    (a) of the store management system

    to regulate the store management, store reflects the brand image, especially the development of the management system:

    1, wearing a shopping guide shopping guide regulatory basis having clothing store.

    2, cleaning twice a day, morning and evening business hours to keep the shop clean and sanitary shop.

    3, every Tuesday, the six models change clothes once, exchange of goods every Monday a high cabinet.

    4, hospitality to be warm, carefully and seriously.

    5, please save electricity during the day and open house Open every evening room Please save water.

    6, save phone bills, not more than 5 minutes per call. Maximum monthly telephone charges 100 yuan / month, more than some shared by the shopping guide.

    7, to daily inventory of goods, if there shortcomings of goods and promotional items from the shopping guide share the burden of the goods at the retail price of compensation, shopping guide the transfer of goods to be checked when the amount and true and false, and counterfeit money found to lack , borne by the shopping guide.

    8, if the shopping guide to resign, to be informed one month in advance, approve the resignation.

    (b), a code of conduct, work points (out of 10)

    five, shop management, and shopping guide training:

    terminal sales to end is done by the shopping guide, shopping guide and not trained trained shopping guide.

    1, cleaning is not clean, subtract 1 point.

    2, no courtesy, subtract 1 point.

    3, the cash register to write a single failure, subtract 1 point.

    4, late, leave early, subtract 1 point.

    5, shelves, irregular, subtract 1 point.

    6, three days for an underwear model, did not perform, subtract 1 point.

    7, high cabinet exchange of goods once a week, did not perform, subtract 1 point.

    8, coins appear shortcomings case, counterfeit money case, subtract 1 point.

    9, do not save electricity, water, telephone, subtract 1 point.

    10, during business hours talking about a private matter, Xixi, chat, without the implementation of rest rotation, subtract 1 point.

    11, hospitality is not serious, not warm, subtract 1 point.

    12, more than 3 times the number of leave each month, subtract 1 point.

    Note: 6 is passing, if it failed for 2 consecutive months is automatically dismissed.

    (c), shopping guide terms

    1, the customer approaches the store, the first caused by greeting selling the product features and styles are introduced and recommended the trial,

    3, make the customer interested in trying on clothes: If the customer selected a subsection clothing, praise her to look good and timely.

    5, try not to ask the customer after the feel, should take the initiative, said:

    6, settled in cash, should pay for the received and sing: .

    12,mac makeup wholesale, answer the phone, they should speak Mandarin,

    (d), expertise

    clothing store operating status, with the location and purchase of goods is closely related to the eyes. To make a clothing store, we must have good sales methods, the most crucial point is to This will Taohuo, to refining to a pair of eyes that goods selected. The experience that requires time and experience is gained, to achieve the consummate state, at least 3 years or so.

    clothing purchase to be marketable, amount, referred to as Business clothing, it is necessary to marketable, but also adequate, but difficult to master both the Many first time investors because the eyes are not allowed to shop, have eaten at the first purchase when burned, and some even said with a smile: On the first consignment clothing store will be the backlog, it is best to carry some of the first few goods. (According to local shape characteristics of each purchase, the code assigned 1:2:1 or 1:2:2:1 ratio, color according to market demand, not according to their purchase preferences, or can he wears pull!!!)

    clothing store operating season from May to August each year and 10 months to next year's Spring Festival, profits generally 30% to 120%. Just listing the most profitable new popular clothing, up to 200%, with the epidemic season in the past, clothing prices have gradually decreased to the end of the season, only 10% of profits to 20%, or even the sale of insurance in order to return the funds. Selling at a loss for those signs, a gimmick to attract customers are businesses, merchants will not do business loss. Even a few at a loss, compared with most of the high profits, it is negligible.

    six, shop inventory management

    1, day off single

    2, daily inventory of goods, recorded

    3, monthly Invoicing Table

    4, Jin Huodan

    seven promotions

    1, opening Jiuzhe.

    2, Valentine's Day: in the city hanging cloth banners, advertising theme: Many people put this ad as a mantra.

    3, March Eighth: In the city hanging cloth banners, advertising theme: leadership position, so that the power of peer did not do that trick.

    4, in order to increase the fun of shopping, restaurant draw the introduction of shopping: buy over 100 may participate in shopping sweepstakes, bonus coupons for the value of 5-100 dollars, the introduction of this event, so our restaurant sales growth of 20 % or more.

    5, clearing inventory: A, for discounting slow-moving items off ,5-8, B,

    6, the long-term gift: purchase over 88, send a beautiful mirror (self-purchase, printed name and telephone number, to store publicity obvious). . . . . .

    as conditions permit, may have long-term promotional activities, while constantly changing promotions to give consumers a fresh feeling.

    eight, operating experience

    1, Wadi business will be prosperous.

    2, shopping guide sure to let go let it play, and must have professional knowledge, its management must be clear, systematic, there must be reasonable wage commission.

    3, the price of goods to be complementary, not hanging in a tree.

    4, and more engaged in promotional activities, in addition to the provisions of the activities of the company, but also must try to

    5, the old customers, VIP customers hold for customer management, customer birthdays, holidays, new stock market, promotional discounts have to send text messages to customers, connect,mac brushes, build a good relationship.

    6, do not belittle competitors, especially the higher grade brands, our competitors to analyze the operation, drawing on the advantages of others, to jointly create a favorable market environment. In short, well-managed and a lingerie shop first correct attitude, not the existence of psychological riches, good intentions store management, and customers depend upon, the experience accumulated bit by bit, more to learn from some successful operators, to set goals, good business A successful experience will be replicated in several different places open more chain, be the first industry in the region.

    September, the business license application

    in the shop business, you must first apply for the relevant license, or is unlicensed. License application is divided into two kinds, one is the applicant's license issued by the Trade and Industry Bureau; the other is the capital of the smaller, just for business registration, business issued by the local counties and cities. Most of the stores is not the capital, are only for firm business registration. In addition, tax authorities also claim uniform invoice, unless it is allowed free use of uniform invoice, otherwise, have all want to go through.

    If we say that this is a flood would be the ensuing era of fashion, denim is the interpretation to the public of the maverick, never fade.

    Jeans was born in the United States, many top names have originated from the United States, freedom of impression casual jeans seem more consistent with the spirit of American culture. A reference to Europe, particularly France, the fashion style culture can immediately think of is elegant, noble and full of art. May be that there is a French designer, these two qualities together, resulting in a wonderful effect and charm and brought it to Shanghai.

    I do not know the site is located in the heart of effective wonders, or the temptation of endless French jeans, this pair of jeans named Maxime de Nimes original store, opened two weeks from start to fire up.

    a name jeans

    entered Maxime de Nimes, it could easily be that the French were simply attracted by the romantic elegance, the kind of fresh, what with the side next to the hustle and bustle of Nanjing Road West, gorgeous contrast.

    two windows was wearing jeans and put into a posture, sitting in a rattan chair, assessing the middle of round table wine. Jeans hanging in the store propped up with rods on the racks, lazy with the nature. Symmetrical position angle in the shop, placed two dark elongated closet, which neatly stacked with all kinds of jeans. A lot of photos posted on the walls, the content is a French street cowboy fashion, and painting the human is a handsome boss and his friends.

    jeans here and other from the international, high-end department store brand presence biggest difference is that each of a pair of jeans, has a name, and is no longer a simple number and letter symbols. Each representative of a Western names of their respective artists, rock stars, super models, etc., is itself highly personalized fashion. Jane, Amanda, Charlotte, Iggy ... ... Their style is copied into the jeans, which means the customer to the store only reported on their own preferences, you will find a way consistent with their own style are the name of the jeans.

    addition to the one inside the waist cloth woven with the name of the standard, and with the logo of the button, there are no recognizable brand identity. Maxime said the boss, so the jeans will not be limited to brand positioning, can be extended an unlimited number of creative combinations. Maxime guiding principle is simplicity that is elegant, simple is fashion. In style, a slight tightening of the knee, hip natural fold lines, rear hip line, then plug it into the bag are simple and smooth pursuit; in the fabric, wear it, as always, firmly into the characteristics, on the election drape fabric, plus bamboo bars this year the popular lines, create a unique texture.

    style close to the people, the price also has affinity. The price of domestic brands of jeans in two to three hundred dollars, the international price of brand jeans in six hundred and basically, while Maxime de Nimes set a middle position, 350 to 500, most young people can afford it the mainstream is what the customer about 30 years old white-collar youth. Maxime Paris, these pants in the store, priced 80 to 100 euros.

    Paris, Shanghai, cross-business

    can say, Maxime families although not of Chinese descent, but the Chinese people have enough friendship. Beijing and Hong Kong is the older brother used to work in the city, and his father is from 1990 doing business in Shanghai. His father, Maxime came to Shanghai many times, feeling the rapid changes in Shanghai.

    Four years ago, love art, fashion, life, Maxime found Tai Kang Road in Shanghai, Jianguo Road, Xintiandi, which is one of many designers gathering area, where he had a strong interest. He found that those who use China's cotton and silk clothing made of a very welcomed by the French, he thought it was a good opportunity.

    returned to France, Maxime selected in the center of Paris, a pavement, the work of Chinese designers into the store sales. French people love Oriental fashion Maxime beyond imagination, and even Louis? Vuitton's a lot of high fashion, also the Orient Maxime a strong interest in the brand, take the initiative to contact their suppliers to do Maxime. Maxime

    this success began to observe the market, looking for cross-business opportunities. He found that the French pair of jeans in the changing consumer attitudes, the price of jeans more expensive, also the case in China. In this large consumer group, branded range of areas, too far from authentic international brand pricing is reasonable, and simple style, for everyone's jeans market is relatively vacant.

    2005 年 6 月, Maxime French elegance to bring fresh fashion denim in Shanghai. He said that a simple cut, typical washing process, pay attention to with the overall process is the essence of the French advocates. He put this idea in the design of fusion in jeans, and size ratio on the key consideration of the Chinese people's body.

    location next to Nanjing Road

    Maxime de Nimes in Shimenerlu from Nanjing West Road, a few steps away also, be regarded as a top shopping district of Shanghai. This seems to Maxime in France has a similar site at.

    his view, the retail industry should be located in the shopping area, because only mature bustling commercial area, have sufficient flow. The Nanjing West Road with its many world-class brand monopoly, Maxime de Nimes This position is consistent with the requirements of the.

    , however, is located downtown, bustling center may not be required; in contrast with the bustling gently deflect better, it is a style in contrast to arising from the temptation. This comparison also benefited from the renovation Maxime de Nimes.

    promote simple and elegant just like the same pair of jeans, Maxime requires freedom of natural decoration. Each month, stores will have different decorative theme, now a close friend of the bar, talking, cowboy before the family ironing time, there was the cowboy into the cage, laid-back atmosphere of old Shanghai, leaking, in short, everything is easy life, and strong business Nanjing Road, in sharp contrast, adds a little elegant style of the petty bourgeoisie.

    business location must be unified, and even the decorative wall painting is no exception. Maxime said, not professional models is to let the customer believe that the brand is kind, not the unattainable, no devil's body, dress nice just because you're you. the development of flexible way


    Maxime commercial purposes in China is not just limited to a small store, but the Maxime de Nimes in China caused by a resounding hit chain brand. To do this, Maxime de Nimes has launched its very flexible development plans.

    Maxime de Nimes Hu Jian, marketing manager, told reporters from the area on the division, the main local Shanghai and Jiangsu and Zhejiang for the two plates. For the two agents in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and cooperation in the form of joining the buyout, the agency outright, no franchise fee, pay a certain margin, and to Maxime de Nimes other requirements, can be opened in the city's branch of Maxime de Nimes .

    in Shanghai, more flexible forms of cooperation are diverse. Investors have enough money can take the form of cooperation into with funds to enter, and then Yahuo consignment, according to agents and headquarters were 45% and 55% of the proportion of sales divided. If the investor is not only money, but also in the design of a certain contribution, even in the form of equity participation requirements to join the ranks of Maxime de Nimes cowboy. According to Hu Jian

    , this year in the first half, Maxime de Nimes will be stationed in the East Building and the New World, opening a mall brand monopoly.

    business analysis and risk disclosure

    initial investment: It is said Hu Jian, excluding rent, the investment in a monopoly Maxime de Nimes cowboy initial investment of 15 million. Among them, the first group of stock requirements store 420 (based on store size adjustment) to 400 yuan estimated average cost per case, according to sale price discount prepaid deposit of 4, then put on the first batch of inventory is about 7 million so. For stores, Maxime de Nimes area of ​​not less than the required 40 square meters, the same style of decoration and its flagship store. Hu Jian introduced as the standard cost of renovation of 600 to 800 yuan / square meter. As a result, spending on renovation in the early roughly 3 million. The remaining 5 million for the opening of sales budget for sales staff and so the first three months of work. Requirements of the Maxime de Nimes shop in the central area of ​​downtown Shanghai or other cities outside of Shanghai a lot, so will a lot of money into pre-rent. Huaihai Road area of ​​pavement to the same example. 5 million in monthly rental to pay half of the first estimate, pre-investment in the rent of 30 million. So down, invest in a cowboy Maxime de Nimes early monopoly capital investment in 45 million.

    profits: operating this store, a French cowboy, the largest expenditure is the rent, about 50,000 yuan a month. Hire four employees, wages and other benefits monthly expenditure of 5,000 yuan. Fitting into a two-year pre-amortization 1,300 yuan per month. 4,000 yuan plus utilities and taxes and other expenses, the operating costs of at least a month more than 60,300 yuan. In accordance with the agents and headquarters were 45% and 55% of the proportion of sales into computing, so agents to achieve break-even, the monthly turnover of 134,000 yuan can be, calculated at 30 days was 4,500 yuan per day sales, monthly sales of about 335 pair of jeans can be protected.

    Location: Under the principle of the siting of Maxime de Nimes, preferences, central business circles in the mature investment outlets. Site is characterized by such large investments, and business circles of different nature and level of development, will directly affect the operational effectiveness of the shop and venue rental. The central business district in the fight walking a fine line, not only absorbed into the popular, but also decreased slightly rents, but also an unexpected contrast effect, which is Maxime de Nimes, a unique site.

    Prospects: jeans from birth, has been with its comfortable, casual, cool, natural style to win a variety of cultural backgrounds and people of all ages love. From a few hundred years ago, gold, Texas, appeared on the beginning of the first pair of jeans, from dark blue to bleaching, and then laser cut out of the ragged bear, cowboy in the ever-changing, becoming one of the leading fashion seasons. For young fashion group, the cowboy is indispensable.

    2004, the global denim production of over 2 billion meters. Which, as the world's major consumer markets denim United States and Europe, is the world's output power. Popular jeans features a more relaxed appearance size up the situation, in between formal elegance and casual hippie migration, the total collapse of pairing theory of the rigid people can be just soft, can be restrained to unrestrained double features, a new on behalf of the cowboy aesthetic orientation.

    Risk: As Maxime said, the cowboy is a large consumer group, but the brand range of products. Looking around, in addition to professional brand jeans, but nearly every casual wear brand has its denim products will be essential to the prices of various grades has also been relatively complete, meet different customer needs. In other words, which even a mature consumer market, and this was also an opponent lined, Hukouduoshi competitive market.

    Sales: currently fighting for tourists, Maxime de Nimes taken a VIP membership, just buy two pair of jeans, you can become a VIP customer and proprietary brands with the world the same way, take note customer information and purchase records, VIP customers not only enjoy the discount information and other services, will also be invited to participate in ad hoc fashion at the party.

    the same with a number of marketing practices in the promotion of the brand is similar, Maxime de Nimes is working on signing some rock singers and sports stars, sponsors its jeans, but also rely on its reputation as Maxime de Nimes endorsement. According to reports, the current domestic football star has a first-line cooperation.

    price :350-500 RMB 80-100 euros

    Phone: 18970932138

    Road pedestrian street in the middle of August 356, near the park