Sunday, April 10, 2011

2007 Beijing openly recruited civil servants line measurement - common sense individual - People's Daily of China's most authoritative Education Channel Education Website - People

     2007: The first part of the

    one multiple-choice (20 questions)

    56, Li is the Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Industry city, because of work assigned to a state-owned enterprises as a certain positions in the enterprise for one year of work, work, personnel administration of their relationship is still the original units. This form of communication more than the civil service as

    A. transferred

    B. Transferred

    C. Rotation

    D. Attachment training

    56. 【ANSWER D.

    57, a government-owned A executive made the decision after the agency was abolished and its functions from the government-owned B continue to exercise the executive. Subject to administrative penalties against the citizens, ready to initiate an administrative review. At this point he should be () for administrative review by the applicant.

    A.A authority

    B. Government agencies

    C. B

    D. Provincial

    57. 【ANSWER B. The review of the cases, the reconsideration organ has decided to maintain the original specific administrative act, to the original specific administrative act shall be the defendant; review authority to change the original specific administrative act, the review shall be the defendant. The same two or more administrative organs have undertaken the specific administrative act, to make concrete administrative act is the executive co-defendant. By the laws and regulations authorized by a specific administrative act undertaken by an organization, the organization is the defendant. Commissioned by the executive organization of the specific administrative act,mac makeup, the executive is entrusted to the defendant. Administrative organ has been revoked, continue to exercise its functions and powers of the executive is the defendant.

    58, Sunmou commissioned as an agent to buy a consignment Wu, Wu of the following acts in violation of the law is

    A. Wu Mousheng seriously ill, to stop the purchase of goods matters, and notify the Sohn

    B. timely purchase of goods in the process of reporting to the Sohn

    C. Sohn agreed upon, be entrusted to Lin, for purchase of goods matters < br>
    D. and 陆某 malicious collusion, was unreasonably high prices to purchase a consignment

    58. 【ANSWER D. Third party agents shall not malicious collusion are detrimental to the interests of the principal.

    59, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws of China, the first order of inheritance heir to

    A. spouses and children of parents, brothers, spouses and children


    C. children, parents, brothers, parents, brothers and spouses


    59. 【ANSWER A.

    60, Zhao and Huang in January 2003 married, in October 2005 agreed to a divorce, but in the event of a dispute on distribution of property, the following does not belong to the common property of spouses is

    A. August 2004 published a novel by Hwang received 1 million

    B.2005 royalties on March Zhao injured in car accidents compensation for medical expenses received by 2 million

    C. June 2003 parents gift Zhao Zhao, Huang a house worth 25 million

    D.2004 Zhao and Huang in December with the purchase of a high-end furniture, worth 4 million

    60. 【ANSWER B.

    61, according to China's relevant regulations can not apply for registration as a trademark is

    A. Digital

    B. color three-dimensional signs

    C. combination

    D. Music

    61. 【ANSWER D.

    62, In China, the following income, you can be exempted from individual income tax is

    A. Insurance claims

    B. Interest, dividends and bonuses
    < br> C.

    D. accidental transfer of property from the proceeds

    62. 【ANSWER A.

    63, the civil service in foreign activities, paying particular attention to international etiquette. The following do not meet international etiquette is

    A. Take the elevator and get on the bus together, please first

    B. Ms. chat before asking for some American guests what ails

    C. receiving visiting foreign guests, guests sit on the right seat

    D. in Germany, arrived early to wait until after the site visit to the appointed time to knock

    63. 【ANSWER B .

    64, programmed decision mainly on the daily, repeated, with the rules issues and make decisions in an organization sector

    A. The higher the level of management, less responsible for the decision making process of management

    B. Management of magnitude smaller, the less responsible for the decision making process of strategic decision

    C. generally are programmed decisions

    D. Non-programmed decisions are irrelevant

    64. 【ANSWER A.

    65, adjust the social economy as an important economic lever, raising tax rates often

    A. to increase government revenue

    B. curb investment is conducive to prevent the economy from overheating

    C. stimulate consumption

    D. improve the efficiency of tax administration

    65. 【ANSWER B.

    66, rodents and other small mammals are hibernating habits, the following relevant statement, the error is

    A. hibernating animals rely on to maintain relatively stable blood sugar into fat by

    B. hibernating animals during the heat no heat nor

    C. hibernating animals wake up the process, oxygen consumption increased gradually

    D. hibernating animals to cold and food shortage an adaptation

    66. 【ANSWER B.

    67, Reykjavik, Iceland mainly use

    resources to provide energy for local residents, is the view of the world famous

    A. Forest

    B. oil

    C. Geothermal

    D. Solar

    67. 【ANSWER C.

    68, currently the world's fresh water resources account for only 2.5% of the total amount of water, of which more than 70% to


    A. B. polar ice caps and mountain glaciers, lakes and groundwater


    D. Rivers

    68. 【ANSWER A.

    69, because the formation of a mirage in the desert

    A. hallucinations were due to high temperature

    B. objects reflect light through atmospheric refraction and the formation of virtual image

    C. The curvature of the Earth

    D. increase in water vapor in the atmosphere causes changes in the direction of light propagation

    69. 【ANSWER B.

    70, the following options, the book is not part of four


    71, . the value decision to use scarce commodities value

    D. The value of large

    71. 【ANSWER B.

    72,2006 on December 22 -23 at the Central Rural Work Conference held in Beijing. The meeting clearly pointed out that the construction of new rural primary task is to

    A. Construction of Modern Agriculture

    B. establishment of rural social security system to increase policy support


    D. accelerated urbanization

    72. 【ANSWER A.

    73,mac makeup wholesale,2006 on December 5 -12 7 May Central Economic Work Conference held in 2007 made specific plans for economic work. In the

    A. Economic Growth

    B. Employment

    C. Price

    D. Balance of Payments

    73. A. 】 D.

    74,2007 on March 5-16, the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress held in Beijing. The Conference adopted a resolution on the government work report, vote, (), corporate income tax law.

    A. Property Law

    B. C. Personal Income Tax Law of the Employment Promotion Act

    D. Network Security Act

    74. 【ANSWER A.

    75, the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee of the Tenth plenary meeting, 22 May 2007 elections () for the Beijing Municipal Committee.

    A. Wang Qishan

    B. Cai Fuchao

    C. Liu

    D. Wang Anshun

    75. 【ANSWER C.

    second part of the

    2007 年:

    one multiple-choice (20 questions)

    56. Decision of our natural environment, the basic factor is the difference ().

    A. Vegetation and climate

    B. Climate and topography

    C. Geomorphology and hydrology

    D. Soil and vegetation

    A.】 B. Analysis: China's climate and landscape is to determine the differences in the natural environment of the two basic factors, soil and vegetation is a reflection of the natural geographical conditions of the two mirrors.

    57. Past 20 years, China's largest provincial population outflow is (.)

    A. Gansu Province


    C., Guangdong Province Sichuan

    D. Shanxi

    A.】 C.

    58. Of

    A. Accepted the British Given to the Special Administrative Region, including foreign affairs and defense, including autonomy

    C. On the issue of human rights a more flexible strategy

    D. Continent socialist, capitalist Hong Kong, Macao

    A.】 D. Analysis: The specific content of one country two systems: first, the Second,mac brushes, the implementation of Third, to ensure a high degree of autonomy Hong Kong, Macao (except foreign affairs and defense) and the prosperity and stability. Fourth, the long-term change.

    59. According to the evidence as the final decision should have the basic characteristics ().

    A. Goods or marks are

    B. Provided by the parties

    C. Certified

    D. Evidence has probative force and ability to

    A.】 D. Analysis: The basic characteristics of the evidence and the evidence of probative force capabilities.

    60. Continent to the world's lowest point is ().

    A. Turpan Basin

    B. Aydin Lake

    C. Dead Sea

    D. Mariana Trench

    A.】 C. Resolution: Turpan Basin is the lowest point on land, Aydin Lake in the Turpan basin, the Mariana Trench is the deepest ocean, the Dead Sea is the world's mainland to the lowest point.

    61. Civil and reconciliation, mediation, arbitration, the main difference is that (.)

    A. Civil litigation is the best way to resolve civil disputes

    B. Civil judge of the results of a mandatory

    C. The involvement of civil litigation with the State

    D. Easy to accept the results of civil parties

    A.】 C. Analysis: interference term is B, but the litigation and arbitration are legally enforceable.

    62. A legal right to the core and basis ().

    A. Freedom

    B. Claim

    C. Right to appeal

    D. Permission

    A.】 A. Analysis: the core and foundation of legal rights is freedom. Freedom, namely the right to decide who can own the rights to certain behavior.

    63. The basic spirit of the Constitution is (.)

    A. Establishment of limited government

    B. Establish the supremacy of the Constitution

    C. Constitution is a constitutional prerequisite

    D. Constitution to be strictly observed and implemented

    A.】 A. Analysis: The basic spirit of the constitutional establishment of limited government, constitutional government is to establish the concentrated expression of the supreme authority of the Constitution.

    64. One night last year, Beijing, Guangzhou road collapse near the center, next morning the municipal government received many messages sent to remind the public to take a detour; Spring Festival, many people's New Year letter received from the Government, in addition to blessing, but also special urged to comply with the provisions of fireworks, pay attention to safety; before Ching Ming, the municipal government has repeatedly go through the media to remind the public that route grave, fire and security. These show that the ().

    A. Government of the gradual nature of change, attention to functional transformation

    B. Increasingly diverse functions of the government attaches great importance to security

    C. Government services more comprehensive, people-oriented

    D. Expanding the authority of government to promote government for the people

    A.】 C.

    65. Trend towards globalization, the international community has increasingly become an integral whole. Solve the security problems of a country can benefit other countries good, otherwise, it will bring disaster to his country, the national security to some extent, showing Characteristics of the following options has nothing to do with the philosophy of truth is ().

    A. Interactions between things, mutual restraint

    B. Internal cause is the development of things change according to

    C. Changes in external conditions for the development of things

    D. Causal link in the chain of things into

    A.】 B. Analysis: internal is the internal contradictions of the development of things, the development of things external is the external conflict, the problems described mainly in the

    66. According to electoral law, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, communities, cities and autonomous prefectures of the People's Congress representative, () generated.

    A. Superiors appointed

    B. Lower assigned

    C. Direct election

    D. Indirect election

    A.】 D. Analysis: Election Law Article states: the representatives of National People's Congress, the provincial, autonomous regions, municipalities, cities divided into districts, autonomous prefectures and the people's congresses, people's congress by the election of the next level. Not divided into districts, municipal districts, counties, autonomous counties, townships, nationality townships and towns of the People's Congress representatives, direct election by the voters.

    67. People's Court exercise judicial power independently in accordance with the law when ().

    A. Party committees must accept the guidance

    B. From administrative organs, social organizations and private interference

    C. Should listen to views of the community

    D. Administrative leadership must obey the instructions of

    A.】 B. Analysis: the people's court with independent jurisdiction.

    68. Xinhua News Agency March 27, 2006 authorized release of building socialism with Chinese characteristics is a strategic task.

    A. Employment of migrant workers

    B. Social security of migrant workers issues

    C. Safeguard Rights

    D. A. Public Service

    】 C.

    69.2006 on 8 October 11 at the Sixth Plenary Session the Sixteenth CPC Central Committee passed the On good social morality,

    A. Honor, integrity

    B. Value system, law-abiding

    C. Honor and disgrace, law-abiding

    D. Core value system, integrity

    A.】 D.

    70.2006 am on Oct. 22 to commemorate the victory of the Red Army () Annual General Meeting held in Beijing Great Hall of the CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President and CMC Chairman Hu Jintao delivered an important speech.

    A. 60

    B. 70

    C. 75

    D. 80

    A.】 B.

    71. Establish the scientific talent, the implementation of () is my party to adapt to economic globalization and development, to deal with international talent competition's inevitable choice.

    A. Education strategy

    B. Reform and opening up works

    C. The viewpoint of development

    D. This strategy

    A.】 D.

    72.2006 on Sept. 20,vibram 5 fingers, the Japanese chief cabinet secretary () in the LDP presidential >
    B. Junichiro Koizumi

    C. Tanigaki

    D. Taro Aso

    A.】 A.

    73. Austria Games Organizing Committee headquarters in ().

    A. Lausanne, Switzerland,


    C. Washington, Paris, France, Germany

    D. Hyde Fort

    A.】 A.

    74. Xinhua News Agency May 23 authorized to release the

    A. scientific concept of development

    B. br>
    A.】 D.

    75. following the wrong interpretation of which is ().

    A. No. Cassino, he and Song Su Hao Fangpai with the famous poet, saying the Suxin

    C. ],[